Attention: Download-able versions of WI Course Documents

ATTENTION: Please scroll down for access to WI course application documents.

Committee Charge

  1. Nature of Committee 
    1. Charge/Mission - The Writing Across the Curriculum Committee recommends to academic council specific courses for designation as “WI” (Writing Intensive), facilitates teaching faculty how to create and manage writing intensive courses, and annually selects the WAC Award recipient at Honors Night.
    2. Reporting Lines - Reports curricular recommendations to academic council
    3. Meeting Times - As needed; called by chair.  About 4 times per semester.
  2.  General Composition of Committee :
    1. Two faculty representatives from each school; ex officio members include president, provost and chair of teaching enhancement program.
  3. Minutes - Distributed to members; posted on Intranet
  4. IV.  Web Links

Committee Members


WAC Committee Membership 2022-2023

Brian Carroll  (ESHASS)

Manos Kalargyros (CSOB)

Chuck Lane (SMNS)

Becca Logan (CSHES)

Jon Parker (ESHASS)  - Committee Co-chair

Angela Poole (FA REP)

Dominic Qualley (SMNS)

Jim Watkins (FA REP)

Ashleigh Woods (CSEHS)

Melissa Mullins, ex-officio



WI Course Application Documents

Access to download-able versions of WI Course Application documents.

Under Construction. (NOT YET: Documents to be uploaded here.)


Click on the LINK below for a TEST File for the WI Application:




WI Course Revalidation Documents

Access to download-able versions of WI Course Revalidation documents.

Under Construction. (NOT YET: Documents to be uploaded here.)

External Reviews Documents

External Review docs uploaded here.

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