Committee Charge

I.  Nature of Committee


            A.  Charge/Mission - To advise the provost and president regarding the suitability of candidates for promotion and/or tenure.  Procedures are outlined in the Faculty/Staff Handbook.


            B.  Reporting Lines - Reports to the president through the provost.  Committee meets with president and provost in January.


            C.  Meeting Times - Deadline dates are specified in section 5 in F/SH.


II.  General Composition of Committee


            Four full professors with tenure, one elected by and from each school; four associate professors with tenure, one elected by and from each school; and one full professor with tenure, elected at-large from the college.  Terms normally run for three years, staggered so that three members rotate off the committee each year, (F/SH, p. b8-9).


III.  Minutes - No minutes are kept. Confidential records are kept by the elected executive secretary.

Committee Members

Michael Bailey (ESHASS 2013-2016)

Tim Biggart (CSOB 2011-2014)

Ruth Fe rence, (CSEHS 2011-2014)

Vincent Gregoire (AT LARGE 2011-2014)

Jerry Jennings (CSEHS 2013-2015)

Ken Martin (SMNS 2013-2016)

Eric McDowell (SMNS 2012-2015), Exe.Sec.

Sandra Meek (ESHASS 2012-2015)

Frank Stephenson (CSOB 2013-2016)

Stephen Briggs, ex officio

Kathy Richardson, ex officio

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