Committee Charge

I.                   Committee Name: Center for Teaching Excellence Advisory Committee


II.                Mission: The purpose of the Center for Teaching Excellence Advisory Committee is to support the work of the CTE with regard to its mission, “The Center for Teaching Excellence exists to help foster an institutional culture that cultivates, supports, values, and rewards excellent teaching in the ever-present pursuit of educating our students’ heads, hearts, and hands.” 


III.   Membership Composition & Term: The committee will consist of the President and Provost as ex officio members, the director of the Center for Teaching Excellence (ex officio), and eight faculty members elected at large through Faculty Assembly elections. All members, except ex officio members, will serve two-year terms. Terms should be staggered so that four members will roll off each year and four continue.


IV.   Chair.  The director of the Center for Teaching Excellence will convene the first meeting of the committee each September. At that time, the chair of the committee will be elected by the committee, from members, for a one-year term.



Committee Members

Aridany Suarez-Trujillo (FA REP 2023-2025)

Kirsten Taylor (FA REP 2023-2025)

Brad Adams (FA REP 2022-24)

DeLacy Rhodes (FA REP 2022-24)

Xiaomeng Ye (FA REP 2023-2025)

Alexandra Lossada (FA REP 2023-2025)

Stephen Briggs, ex officio

David Slade, ex officio

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